Cemetery, 2015

Cemetery was created in 2015 as a "3x3" of nine photographs and is based on shots taken in January 2014 at La Recoleta Cemetary where Evita Peron is interred (Buenos Aires, Argentina).

The collection depicts the many ways families chose to protect the remains of loved ones. "Archway" and "Familia Casal" proclaim the extravagance afforded by some. "Vault" shows a recent visit, while sadly "Webbed Portal" suggests a forgotten soul. "Locked," "Also Locked," "Locked, Too," and "Not Locked" depict modest approaches to limit the viewer's approach. "Handle and Shadow" and "Vault" are unambiguous yet tasteful proclamations of "Do Not Enter." 

Perhaps those buried in Buenos Aires were as diverse as their burial sites . . . 


At the Market, 2015


Che, 2015